Work with Page Content

Viewing JavaTM messages
Searching for text on a page
Copying information from a page into a document
Viewing the HTML source for the current page

To view Java messages

Related Topics
New Features: Java
Controlling Java access

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To search for text on a page

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Find.
  2. Type the text you want to find.
  3. Change any settings as needed.
  4. Click Find.
  5. To continue searching for the same text, on the Edit menu, choose Find Again.

Related Topic
Searching for a specific place or page

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To copy information from a page into a document

  1. In the page that contains the information you want to copy, select the information. To copy the entire contents of a page, on the Edit menu, choose Select All.
  2. On the Edit menu, choose Copy.
  3. In the document where you want the information to appear, click where you want to place it.
  4. On the Edit menu, choose Paste.


Related Topics
Saving the current page on your computer
Saving the page or picture indicated by a hyperlink
Viewing pages

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To view the HTML source for the current page


Related Topic
Saving the current page on your computer

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